Tick Tock

Yesterday I got a massage from a new massage therapist I found who is a rock star.  He works with a lot of runners and totally gets the typical tweaks that a runner’s body needs.  He’s a very laid back and funny guy and I feel very comfortable with him.  Good thing, because what happened yesterday was a nightmare.  Here’s how it went down:

I’m lying on the table, face down, and he’s working on the backs of my legs.  All of a sudden he says “Um, Pamela?”  (long pause)  “You have a tick on your leg.”  WTF?!  If I had had clothes on, I would’ve jumped up off that table and ran screaming, but I had to stay lying down because I was butt naked (buck naked?) Anyway…

He went on to say:  “It looks like the head is buried in pretty deep”  (that’s what she said) and then: “I’m gonna pull it out”  (that’s what he said) and he proceeds to grab a kleenex, yank the thing out, and bring it up to where I can see it.  Still alive, all squirming around in the kleenex.  Gross.  He then went and flushed it, washed his hands, put some alcohol on the bite, and continued on like nothing had happened.  But  I was horrified.  HORRIFIED!!  I kept apologizing and he was all “No problem!  Tis the season.  I just pulled one off my daughter too.”  He actually said it’s not the first time that has happened to him (finding a tick on a client) but part of me thinks he was just saying that to be nice.  He did tell me that one time he was massaging a guy and found all kinds of herpes sores around his bum, so that made me feel better.  I guess on the gross-scale, herpes probably rates a little grosser than a tick, right?

My massage therapist doesn’t normally accept tips, but I tipped him last night.  Big time.  Then promptly went home and scoured the internet for symptoms of Lyme disease.

I suppose the silver lining of all this is that the tick was found and removed.  Who knows how long it would’ve been in there before I noticed it myself.    But….. GROSS!!!


And how was your day?

Gone Baby Gone

Wow, almost 2 months since my last post.  Nice work!  It’s clear my motivation to write goes down the tubes unless I have something funny or enlightening to share.  And quite honestly, I was a little cranky for most of March.  It all started when my Plantar Fasciitis decided to invite more people to the party.  And by “more people,” I mean, my other foot.  I guess it wasn’t enough that I’ve been battling this shit for 20 months.  My left foot apparently wanted in on the action.  When I first started feeling the symptoms, I kind of ignored them.  But then it was obvious that something was wrong and I couldn’t ignore it anymore.  I did the usual:  Rest, Ice, Compression, Cry, Eat, Feel Sorry for Myself, etc..  But after a few Graston sessions with my chiropractor, it’s starting to feel better now.  My right foot (the original injury) is still wonky.  But that doesn’t freak me out as much.  That injury is like a familiar old friend in some ways.  It can be a total pain in the butt, but at least I know what to expect from it.  I know how far I can push it.  And I know what to do when it’s acting up.  Having the left foot flare up was more than I wanted to handle.

So.  I didn’t run for a couple of weeks.  One thing these injuries have taught me is that it’s not the end of the world if I can’t run for a few days, or even a couple of weeks.  It’s when I fear the worst — months and months of inactivity — that I start to freak out.  But I try to take it one day at a time and I’m happy to say I’m back on the mend.  Sort of.  I’m running about 5 miles a few times a week and will start to inch that up a bit in the near future if all goes well.

Anyone who has suffered from PF knows that there is not one specific way to get rid of it.  Different people respond to different treatments.  Some people swear by the boot or Strassburg Sock, but neither of those work for me.  I’ve found that stretching my hip flexors (the suspected culprit of this whole thing) and calf muscles, along with icing, foot strengthening, and regular Graston/ART sessions with my chiro have helped me the most.  I also very recently started wearing new shoes.  Yup, I’m going minimal.  SLOWLY.  My chiro finally talked me into it.  Most avid runners have been watching (and participating in) the conversations/debates about minimalist running for years now.  Because of my injury, I have always been interested, but never thought I was in a position to try it.  I’ve been wearing orthotics for the PF and thought it was counter-intuitive to wear orthotics with minimalist shoes.  Boy, was I wrong.  About 3 weeks ago, at the recommendation of my chiro, I broke down and bought these babies:

They make my feet so happy

They are the New Balance Minimus 20 trail running shoe.  I can’t explain how they make my feet feel, except they make them feel “right.”  They’re not truly “barefoot” running shoes like the Vibram Five Finger (though Vibram does make the outsole of these shoes) and they do have a very slight drop (I think it’s 4 mm).  But I like them so much, I went out and bought the newer version (Minimus 20 v2) in a lighter color.

Aren't they pretty?

I’m breaking them in slowly.  I’m wearing them all the time, but still using the orthotics about 70% of the time, and only up to 15 minutes of running so far.  Believe me, I don’t want to risk further injury.  But so far, these shoes have felt better on my feet than anything I’ve worn in a long time (I’ve been a long time Asics wearer).  I know minimalist shoes are not for everyone, but I think they are perfect for me right now.  I’d love to hear from any of you about your experiences (good or bad) with minimalist shoes.

So what else have I been up for for the past couple months?  Starting a new project which involves running that I’m very excited about, but can’t write about just yet.  I’m also about to celebrate a birthday.  And for some reason there are many people in my life who are having babies.  Like, babies EVERYwhere.  Not in MY belly, but everywhere else, it seems.  In fact, if you’re reading this, I hope you’re wearing protection or you might get pregnant too.  It’s so weird!

I promise to not let another 2 months go by without an update.  I have too many exciting things to write about…